Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Who Wouldn't Like FREE Boots

Hello lovelies!

Hope everyone is enjoying the approaching Fall weather.

Remember a couple weeks ago when I told you about meeting the Oprah of boots at the AWBU conference?

Well... Now it's your turn to meet her.

Kind of.

Ok, maybe you won't really meet her but, I can offer you some extra chances to WIN FREE BOOTS from Country Outfitter!!

It's not quite time for my giveaway :( It's coming I promise.

Lucky for you though, I know some wonderful women, fellow Arkansas Women Bloggers, that are partnering with Country Outfitter and giving a way FREE BOOTS!

Go check them out, enter away, and maybe just maybe we can rock new boots together!

Check out Debbie Arnold and sign up for her giveaway.

Check out Angie and sign up for her giveaway.

Check out Paige and sign up for her giveaway. (This one closes on the 20th.)

Check out Lela and sign up for her giveaway.

There you go, 4 more chances to win. Go. Quick quick.

And, if you win, I should totally have some impute on which boots you pick!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pucker Up

Yay Saturday! I've been waiting a couple weeks for September the 8th.

I bet you're wondering why, aren't you?

Don't worry, I'm going to tell you.

A couple a weeks ago my friend Stephanie invited me to a NWArk Bloggers Meet-Up and today is the day.

The meet-up is sponsored by Therapon Skin Health.

We all get to try out their BRAND NEW Perfect Lip product, Pucker Up! Plus they're bringing a photographer and we all get NEW HEAD SHOTS!

And, like that alone is enough, there will be SWAG BAGS!

EEK!! I love that swag bags have entered my life. Some of the swag will be from Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, Oh Baby Foods, Country Outfitter, Blessings Unlimited, Junk Headbands, and Piggy Paint.

Wait, I'm not done...

The Moxy Ox is giving away 3 sets of 250 business cards! I'm not sure if you've seen their work but, chances are if you've seen any totally awesome business cards or stickers around here, they were probably designed by them.

Did I tell you that after the meet-up with the head shots, and the swag bags, we then get to go see STOMP at the Walton Arts Center?

Yep, we do!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


<3 Boot Love
His and Hers!
(well Hers and His really)

I Met Oprah! Well... I Met The Oprah Of Boots!

Well... I met the Oprah of boots!

Actually, I already knew her I just didn't know of her Oprah-ish qualities.

The weekend before last I had the honor of attending the Arkansas Women Bloggers' Unplugged Conference. Much thanks to Country Outfitter for sponsoring me.

Myself and 70+ other bloggers from all over Arkansas gathered at the Ozark Folk Center for a full weekend of fun, learning, and bonding.

Too explain how things happened, or why, or even to sum up the weekend is IMPOSSIBLE! It was great. It was amazing!

It was just AWBU; a once in a lifetime experience really.

So... back to meeting Oprah.

Saturday we all gathered together in preparation of a cookout, a little fiddle playing, some jig dancing, and that AHH Moment only  Oprah (or someone LIKE Oprah) could give!

Meet Stephanie, aka the Oprah of boots.

Saturday afternoon she came to the conference stage and said "You get boots, you get boots, YOU GET BOOTS!' (now you see why we call her the Oprah of boots, huh?)

Stephanie works for Acumen Brands, the parent company of Country Outfitter and thanks to them we were all gifted with a pair of boots of our choice (up to $150)!

We were all given a pair of boots to try out, and review.

I picked these lovelies!

Stay tuned, my review and a GIVEAWAY for you is coming soon!